PROJECT WRAP UP: The Queens Club

18 Nov 2022

As principal contractor, JP Dunn commenced work in September 2021 at The Queen’s Club with the demolition of the existing tennis courts, relocation of the car parking area and erection of a replacement brick boundary wall.

The new court layout comprised of 8 Nr Shale and Plexi surface outdoor courts and the addition of two new ‘air-dome enclosure’ courts.

The two-phase project involved a reduced level dig for the southern Plexi Courts before resurfacing could be carried out to bring the area on level with the dual entry gates leading to Greyhound Rd.

As The Queens Club is an internationally recognised sporting location, it was important to use high quality materials both on the playing surfaces and landscaped areas throughout the site. Additionally, the location of The Queen’s Club meant careful consideration had to be given regarding both local residents and club members to minimise disruption where possible.